
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Sprint plus one – is it the answer to your test automation woes?

Regression testing is an essential function in software quality assurance whether you are working on a path breaking new product, or some age old legacy system. It’s the only way to ensure that your enhancements, bug fixes or new features have not broken any existing code, and to avoid those 2 AM fire alarms (God forbid), when your yearlong project crashes the moment it meets a production environment. Depending on your organization size, culture, budget etc., you probably have a dedicated team that automates the testcases you marked for regression, and there is an automation suite that is diligently run before any production rollout. Whether it is current and has full coverage is a topic for another day.

So traditionally we have been used to this concept of automation very late in the cycle, generally after a battery of other tests have been run and your AUT( application under test) has withstood them. With Agile methodologies, it’s a whole different ballgame. Agile advocates short sprints or iterations, and each of these iterations have to produce a potentially shippable piece of functionality. It means that your features are coded and tested in every possible way. As this functionality builds up every subsequent iteration, you test more and more because you are integrating everything that came before and also testing it. Doing all this manually is a herculean task, and your friendly Agile coach, always around to lend you a helping hand, has urged you to use test automation. But this may not really be feasible.

In Agile projects, the codebase can and does change pretty rapidly from day to day if not from hour to hour. It means you could have a lot of bugs and are almost always rewriting or updating your testcases. It could also mean an application that is not very stable, and automating something that changes every day may not really seem to be a value add. Yet it is as formidable a task to manually test more and more functionality every subsequent Sprint. The ‘Sprint+1’ approach is the answer, according to this white paper on

Agile automation: A primer on test automation in Agile projects ( suggests that test automation should lag behind, but not more than for one iteration. So we assume that ‘story 1’ is completely coded and tested etc. in Sprint 1, and is automated in Sprint 2. The assumption here is that ‘story 1’ is stable at the end of ‘Sprint 1’. Some of the salient points and/or questions that I can think of based on agile projects I worked on are –
1)  Even if a certain story is ‘done’ at the end of one iteration, it could always have changes and reappear as a new story, hence requiring more work on it and rework as regards test automation.
2)  Test automation should certainly be a separate item on the product/sprint backlog. This will force all stakeholders to recognize and acknowledge that test automation is a necessary part of the project and requires a chunk of time and resources. It will add visibility in terms of estimates and burndown.
3)  Team members can concentrate on manually testing unstable portions and automating stable functionality. A different person could be doing each of these and either can give full attention to the task at hand, since the actual tasks or sub-tasks for achieving either will be different.
4)  Test automation can or should be a story in each iteration with specific task cards for each particular feature, story etc. that is to be automated.

I can go on, but I suppose you get the point. Every Agile team will be facing slightly different circumstances in terms of their company culture, product, technology, people etc. And each of you will need to come up with something that best fits your situation, try it for one sprint/iteration at a time, and keep improving on it based on your retrospectives.

So how are you handling test automation on your Agile project? Do you have a 100% automated regression suite? Do you think you are saving time using test automation? Or are you still happy using manual means for regression? I am eager to know what you think.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

How hard is Scrum?

I know this is a loaded question that almost everyone who has ever worked on an Agile team will scramble to answer. Maybe this has come up in some of your retrospectives, about how the team found certain aspects tough to deal with or follow. But I am not talking about your feelings here. This is about Scrum itself, and its personification as it assumes quite an imposing personality. I came across this while reading this article at

The author tells us how the scientific approach has taught us to make a hypothesis, test it and then apply it. This is also called the Newtonian or deterministic approach. But this makes less sense as the complexity increases, and the process becomes more empirical than defined.

Scrum is empirical because it embraces change, and evolves with it. Scrum makes things possible, but Scrum does not promise to make them predictable. Scrum is hard because it goes against the basic human nature of trying to simplify everything. As people achieve success with Scrum, they will set higher goals making it more complex to achieve them.

Yes, Scrum is hard. And I also think arts, humanities and basic sciences are underrated in India. If engineering is the topmost trade and the epitome of a fine education, how come no one ever taught me what a Newtonian approach was? :)

Saturday 18 June 2011

Embracing Change

Hello readers! I would like to welcome you all to this blog, and encourage you to follow this regularly in the days to come. With a name like 'Waltzing to change', its only befitting that my first post should be something about 'change'. So here goes...

Change is the only constant in our lives. We have all heard it many times. This change could come in the form of unexpected life events, changes at work, culture changes, changes in the world around us etc. etc. Yet when it happens, we find ourselves struggling to come to terms with it. 

Alvin Toffler talked about responding to change in his first book ‘Future Shock’ (1970). He later wrote two other books –Third Wave and Power Shift. Third Wave suggested that the 21st century would be the information age and according to my old English professor, belong to the service industry. How true that has turned out to be! When I read this book several years ago, it seemed more of a chore as a reading assignment, but over the years I have often thought back to passages from this book, especially when I adjusted to the whole culture change of living in a new country.

I think that India has been facing a lot of the culture shock mentioned in Future Shock for the last decade, and will continue to do so as we face technological and social change at a staggering rate. There is rapid urbanization and movement from rural areas to big cities. People and families are facing a generation’s worth of growth overnight, and are ill equipped to handle all the sudden prosperity. Isn’t this a kind of change too?

Future Shock was written a long time ago, but it feels like we are actually living through what he predicted over three decades ago. That is an indescribable feeling. The only way to deal with change then, is to expect the unexpected, embrace change and be like the Borg – assimilate everything new you encounter, because as we well know, ‘Resistance is futile’ !! (Sic)

One software methodology that thrives on change is Agile. ‘Inspect and adapt’ is a tenet of this methodology which encourages quick responses to change, and empowers teams to take unexpected events and occurrences in their stride and come out winners.

For those of you who would like to read this revered tome, you can get it here on Amazon. Or maybe find a much thumbed copy in your public library or local thrift store!